AMCAX Kernel
math Directory Reference
Directory dependency graph for math:


file  CircleT.hpp
 Class of circle.
file  Classifier2d.hpp
 Class of 2d classification.
file  Cone.hpp
 Class of cone.
file  ConicBase.hpp
 Base class of conic section.
file  CurveCalculation.hpp
 Class of basic calculation for elementary curves.
file  Cylinder.hpp
 Class of cylinder.
file  EllipseT.hpp
 Class of ellipse.
file  GeometryMacros.hpp
 Geometry macros.
file  HyperbolaT.hpp
 Class of hyperbola.
file  LineT.hpp
 Class of line.
file  MeshParameters.hpp
 Class of parameters used in triangular mesh.
file  ParabolaT.hpp
 Class of parabola.
file  Plane.hpp
 Class of Plane.
file  Polygon2.hpp
 Class of 2D polygon.
file  Polygon3.hpp
 Class of 3D polygon.
file  PolygonOnTriangularMesh.hpp
 Class of polygon on triangular mesh.
file  Sphere.hpp
 Class of sphere.
file  SurfaceBase.hpp
 Base class of elementary surfaces.
file  SurfaceCalculation.hpp
 Class of basic calculation for elementary surfaces.
file  Torus.hpp
 Class of torus.
file  Triangle.hpp
 Class of triangle.
file  TriangularMesh.hpp
 Class of triangular mesh.