AMCAX Kernel
topology Directory Reference
Directory dependency graph for topology:


file  BRepAdaptorCompCurve3.hpp
 Class of adaptor of 3D composite curves in B-Rep.
file  BRepAdaptorCurve2.hpp
 Class of adaptor of 2D curves in B-Rep.
file  BRepAdaptorCurve3.hpp
 Class of adaptor of 3D curves in B-Rep.
file  BRepAdaptorSurface.hpp
 Class of adaptor of 3D surfaces in B-Rep.
file  BRepBoundingBox.hpp
 Class of tool for computing a bounding box of BRep structure.
file  BRepCurveLocalProperty.hpp
 Class of local property of BRep curves.
file  BRepExtremaDistShapeShape.hpp
 Class of computing extremal distance between two shapes.
file  BRepExtremaMacros.hpp
 Enumerate classes used in extrema computation of BRep structure.
file  BRepExtremaProximityTool.hpp
 Tool class for detecting the proximity of two shapes.
file  BRepGlobalProperty.hpp
 Class of global property of BRep structure.
file  BRepSurfaceLocalProperty.hpp
 Class of local property of BRep surfaces.
file  BRepTool.hpp
 Class of tool for B-Rep structure.
file  TopoBuilder.hpp
 Class of a tool for building B-Rep structure.
file  TopoCast.hpp
 Class of casting tool.
file  TopoCompound.hpp
 Class of compound.
file  TopoCompSolid.hpp
 Class of composite solid.
file  TopoEdge.hpp
 Class of edge.
file  TopoExplorer.hpp
 Class of a tool for exploring the B-Rep structure.
file  TopoExplorerTool.hpp
 Class of tool for explorer.
file  TopoFace.hpp
 Class of face.
file  TopoIterator.hpp
 Class of iterator for B-Rep structure.
file  TopoLocation.hpp
 Class of local transformation representing location of entities.
file  TopoLocationItemList.hpp
 Internal class of list of item used in location.
file  TopologyMacros.hpp
 Enumerations on topology, including type of orientation, type of shape, type of state, type of point representation, and type of curve representation.
file  TopoShape.hpp
 Base class of shape, containing an underlying shape with a location and an orientation.
file  TopoShell.hpp
 Class of shell.
file  TopoSolid.hpp
 Class of solid.
file  TopoTool.hpp
 Class of tools for B-Rep structure.
file  TopoVertex.hpp
 Class of vertex.
file  TopoWire.hpp
 Class of wire.
file  WireExplorer.hpp
 Class of tool for exploring wire.