AMCAX Kernel
geometry Directory Reference
Directory dependency graph for geometry:


file  Adaptor2Curve.hpp
 Base class of adaptor of 2D curves.
file  Adaptor3Curve.hpp
 Base class of adaptor of 3D curves.
file  Adaptor3CurveOnSurface.hpp
 Class of adaptor of 3D curves on surface.
file  Adaptor3Surface.hpp
 Base class of adaptor of 3D surfaces.
file  AdaptorGeom2Curve.hpp
 Class of adaptor of 2D geometric curves.
file  AdaptorGeom2Tool.hpp
 Class of tool for 2D geometric adaptors.
file  AdaptorGeom3Curve.hpp
 Class of adaptor of 3D geometric curves.
file  AdaptorGeom3Surface.hpp
 Class of adaptor of 3D geometric surfaces.
file  AdaptorGeom3Tool.hpp
 Class of tool for 3D geometric adaptors.
file  ComputePointsAbscissa.hpp
 Class of compute the parameter of a point on a curve of given arc length.
file  ComputePointsTangentialDeflection.hpp
 Class of sampling points on a curve by control the points with a bounded tangential deflection.
file  CurveLocalProperty.hpp
 Template class of computing curve local property.
file  CurvesError.hpp
 The class of curves error calculation.
file  ExtremaMacros.hpp
 Enumerations used in extrema computation.
file  Geom2BezierCurve.hpp
 Class of 2D Bezier curve.
file  Geom2BoundedCurve.hpp
 Base class of 2D bounded curve.
file  Geom2BSplineCurve.hpp
 Class of 2D B spline curve.
file  Geom2Circle.hpp
 Class of 2D circle.
file  Geom2Conic.hpp
 Base class of 2D conic curve.
file  Geom2Curve.hpp
 Base class of 2D curve.
file  Geom2CurveLocalProperty.hpp
 Class of local property of 2D curves.
file  Geom2Direction.hpp
 Class of 2D direction.
file  Geom2Ellipse.hpp
 Class of 2D ellipse.
file  Geom2GeneralVector.hpp
 Class of 2D vector.
file  Geom2Geometry.hpp
 Base class of 2D geometry object.
file  Geom2Hyperbola.hpp
 Class of 2D hyperbola.
file  Geom2Line.hpp
 Class of 2D line.
file  Geom2OffsetCurve.hpp
 Class of 2D offset curve.
file  Geom2Parabola.hpp
 Class of 2D parabola.
file  Geom2Point.hpp
 Class of 2D point.
file  Geom2TrimmedCurve.hpp
 Class of 2D trimmed curve.
file  Geom2Vector.hpp
 Base class of 2D vector.
file  Geom3BezierCurve.hpp
 Class of 3D bezier curve.
file  Geom3BezierSurface.hpp
 Class of 3D Bezier surface.
file  Geom3BoundedCurve.hpp
 Base class of 3D bounded curve.
file  Geom3BoundedSurface.hpp
 Base class of 3D bounded surface.
file  Geom3BSplineCurve.hpp
 Class of 3D B spline curve.
file  Geom3BSplineSurface.hpp
 Class of 3D B spline surface.
file  Geom3Circle.hpp
 Class of 3D circle.
file  Geom3Conic.hpp
 Base class of 3D conic curve.
file  Geom3ConicalSurface.hpp
 Class of 3D conical surface.
file  Geom3Curve.hpp
 Base class of 3D curve.
file  Geom3CurveLocalProperty.hpp
 Class of local property of 3D curves.
file  Geom3CylindricalSurface.hpp
 Class of 3D cylindrical surface.
file  Geom3Direction.hpp
 Class of 3D direction.
file  Geom3ElementarySurface.hpp
 Base class of 3D elementary surface.
file  Geom3Ellipse.hpp
 Class of 3D ellipse.
file  Geom3GeneralVector.hpp
 Class of 3D general vector.
file  Geom3Geometry.hpp
 Base class of 3D geometry.
file  Geom3Hyperbola.hpp
 Class of 3D hyperbola.
file  Geom3Line.hpp
 Class of 3D line.
file  Geom3OffsetCurve.hpp
 Class of 3D offset curve.
file  Geom3OffsetSurface.hpp
 Class of 3D offset surface.
file  Geom3Parabola.hpp
 Class of 3D parabola.
file  Geom3Plane.hpp
 Class of 3D plane.
file  Geom3Point.hpp
 Class of 3D point.
file  Geom3SphericalSurface.hpp
 Class of 3D spherical surface.
file  Geom3Surface.hpp
 Base class of 3D surface.
file  Geom3SurfaceLocalProperty.hpp
 Class of local property of surfaces.
file  Geom3SurfaceOfExtrusion.hpp
 Class of surface of extrusion.
file  Geom3SurfaceOfRevolution.hpp
 Class of surface of revolution.
file  Geom3SweptSurface.hpp
 Base class of 3D swept surface.
file  Geom3ToroidalSurface.hpp
 Class of 3D toroidal surface.
file  Geom3TrimmedCurve.hpp
 Class of 3D trimmed curve.
file  Geom3TrimmedSurface.hpp
 Class of 3D trimmed surface.
file  Geom3Vector.hpp
 Base class of 3D vector.
file  GeomAPIExtremaCurveCurve2.hpp
 Class of computing extremal points for two 2D curves.
file  GeomAPIExtremaCurveCurve3.hpp
 Class of computing extremal points for two 3D curves.
file  GeomAPIExtremaCurveSurface.hpp
 Class of computing extremal points for a curve and a surface.
file  GeomAPIExtremaSurfaceSurface.hpp
 Class of computing extremal points for two surfaces.
file  GeomAPIIntCurveCurve2.hpp
 Class of computing intersection points for two 2D curves.
file  GeomAPIIntCurveSurface.hpp
 Class of computing intersection points for a curve and a surface.
file  GeomAPIInterpolate2.hpp
 Class of computing a curve interpolating 2D points.
file  GeomAPIInterpolate3.hpp
 Class of computing a curve interpolating 3D points.
file  GeomAPIIntSurfaceSurface.hpp
 Class of computing intersection curves for two surfaces.
file  GeomAPIPlaneCurve.hpp
 Class of tools converting planar curves between 2D and 3D.
file  GeomAPIPointsToBSpline2.hpp
 Class of computing a 2D B spline curve approximating 2D points.
file  GeomAPIPointsToBSpline3.hpp
 Class of computing a 3D B spline curve approximating 3D points.
file  GeomAPIPointsToBSplineSurface.hpp
 Class of computing a B spline surface approximating points.
file  GeomAPIProjectPointOnCurve2.hpp
 Class of projecting a 2D point on a curve.
file  GeomAPIProjectPointOnCurve3.hpp
 Class of projecting a 3D point on a curve.
file  GeomAPIProjectPointOnSurface.hpp
 Class of projecting a point on a surface.
file  GeometryTool.hpp
 Class of tools for geometry objects.
file  GlobalPrincipalProperty.hpp
 Class of internal data structure for computing global property.
file  GlobalProperty.hpp
 Class of general global property.
file  MakeArcOfCircle.hpp
 Class of making arcs of 3D circle.
file  MakeArcOfCircle2d.hpp
 Class of making arcs of 2D circle.
file  MakeArcOfEllipse.hpp
 Class of making arcs of 3D ellipse.
file  MakeArcOfEllipse2d.hpp
 Class of making arcs of 2D ellipse.
file  MakeArcOfHyperbola.hpp
 Class of making arcs of 3D hyperbola.
file  MakeArcOfHyperbola2d.hpp
 Class of making arcs of 2D hyperbola.
file  MakeArcOfParabola.hpp
 Class of making arcs of 3D parabola.
file  MakeArcOfParabola2d.hpp
 Class of making arcs of 2D parabola.
file  MakeCircle2.hpp
 Class of making 2D circles.
file  MakeCircle3.hpp
 Class of making 3D circles.
file  MakeCone3.hpp
 Class of making cones.
file  MakeCylinder3.hpp
 Class of making cylinders.
file  MakeDirection2.hpp
 Class of making 2D directions.
file  MakeDirection3.hpp
 Class of making 3D directions.
file  MakeEllipse2.hpp
 Class of making 2D ellipses.
file  MakeEllipse3.hpp
 Class of making 3D ellipses.
file  MakeGeom2Circle.hpp
 Class of making 2D geometric circles.
file  MakeGeom2Ellipse.hpp
 Class of making 2D geometric ellipses.
file  MakeGeom2Hyperbola.hpp
 Class of making 2D geometric hyperbolas.
file  MakeGeom2Line.hpp
 Class of making 2D geometric lines.
file  MakeGeom2Parabola.hpp
 Class of making 2D geometric parabolas.
file  MakeGeom3Circle.hpp
 Class of making 3D geometric circles.
file  MakeGeom3ConicalSurface.hpp
 Class of making geometric conical surfaces.
file  MakeGeom3CylindricalSurface.hpp
 Class of making geometric cylindrical surfaces.
file  MakeGeom3Ellipse.hpp
 Class of making 3D geometric ellipses.
file  MakeGeom3Hyperbola.hpp
 Class of making 3D geometric hyperbolas.
file  MakeGeom3Line.hpp
 Class of making 3D geometric lines.
file  MakeGeom3Parabola.hpp
 Class of making 3D geometric parabolas.
file  MakeGeom3Plane.hpp
 Class of making geometric planes.
file  MakeGeometry.hpp
 Base class of making geometry objects.
file  MakeHyperbola2.hpp
 Class of making 2D hyperbolas.
file  MakeHyperbola3.hpp
 Class of making 3D hyperbolas.
file  MakeLine2.hpp
 Class of making 2D lines.
file  MakeLine3.hpp
 Class of making 3D lines.
file  MakeParabola2.hpp
 Class of making 2D parabolas.
file  MakeParabola3.hpp
 Class of making 3D parabolas.
file  MakePlane3.hpp
 Class of making planes.
file  MakeSegment.hpp
 Class of making 3D line segments.
file  MakeSegment2d.hpp
 Class of making 2D line segments.
file  MakeTrimmedCone.hpp
 Class of making trimmed cones.
file  MakeTrimmedCylinder.hpp
 Class of making trimmed cylinders.
file  SurfaceLocalProperty.hpp
 Template class of local property of surfaces.
file  SurfacesError.hpp
 The class of surfaces error calculation.