AMCAX Kernel
AMCAX::SIUnit Class Reference

Class for si units. More...

#include <misc/SIUnit.hpp>

Public Types

using UnitUnion = std::variant< std::monostate, LengthUnit, MassUnit, TimeUnit, ElectricCurrentUnit, ThermodynamicTemperatureUnit, AmountOfSubstanceUnit, LuminousIntensityUnit >
using UnitExpo = std::pair< UnitUnion, double >
 The SetUnit and the exponent.

Public Member Functions

 Default constructor for SIUnit.
AMCAX_API SIUnit (const SIUnit &other)
 Copy constructor for SIUnit. More...
AMCAX_API SIUnit (SIUnit &&other) noexcept
 Move constructor for SIUnit. More...
AMCAX_API SIUnit (const LengthUnit &unit, const double exponent=1.0)
AMCAX_API SIUnit (const MassUnit &unit, const double exponent=1.0)
AMCAX_API SIUnit (const TimeUnit &unit, const double exponent=1.0)
AMCAX_API SIUnit (const ElectricCurrentUnit &unit, const double exponent=1.0)
AMCAX_API SIUnit (const ThermodynamicTemperatureUnit &unit, const double exponent=1.0)
AMCAX_API SIUnit (const AmountOfSubstanceUnit &unit, const double exponent=1.0)
AMCAX_API SIUnit (const LuminousIntensityUnit &unit, const double exponent=1.0)
AMCAX_API SIUnitoperator= (const LengthUnit &other)
 Copy assignment operator for SIUnit with a length unit. More...
AMCAX_API SIUnitoperator= (LengthUnit &&other) noexcept
 Move assignment operator for SIUnit with a length unit. More...
AMCAX_API SIUnitoperator= (const MassUnit &other)
 Copy assignment operator for SIUnit with a mass unit. More...
AMCAX_API SIUnitoperator= (MassUnit &&other) noexcept
 Move assignment operator for SIUnit with a mass unit. More...
AMCAX_API SIUnitoperator= (const TimeUnit &other)
 Copy assignment operator for SIUnit with a time unit. More...
AMCAX_API SIUnitoperator= (TimeUnit &&other) noexcept
 Move assignment operator for SIUnit with a time unit. More...
AMCAX_API SIUnitoperator= (const ElectricCurrentUnit &other)
 Copy assignment operator for SIUnit with a electric current unit. More...
AMCAX_API SIUnitoperator= (ElectricCurrentUnit &&other) noexcept
 Move assignment operator for SIUnit with a electric current unit. More...
AMCAX_API SIUnitoperator= (const ThermodynamicTemperatureUnit &other)
 Copy assignment operator for SIUnit with a thermodynamic temperature unit. More...
AMCAX_API SIUnitoperator= (ThermodynamicTemperatureUnit &&other) noexcept
 Move assignment operator for SIUnit with a thermodynamic temperature unit. More...
AMCAX_API SIUnitoperator= (const AmountOfSubstanceUnit &other)
 Copy assignment operator for SIUnit with a amount of substance unit. More...
AMCAX_API SIUnitoperator= (AmountOfSubstanceUnit &&other) noexcept
 Move assignment operator for SIUnit with a amount of substance unit. More...
AMCAX_API SIUnitoperator= (const LuminousIntensityUnit &other)
 Copy assignment operator for SIUnit with a luminous intensity unit. More...
AMCAX_API SIUnitoperator= (LuminousIntensityUnit &&other) noexcept
 Move assignment operator for SIUnit with a luminous intensity unit. More...
AMCAX_API SIUnitoperator= (const SIUnit &other)
 Copy assignment operator for SIUnit. More...
AMCAX_API SIUnitoperator= (SIUnit &&other) noexcept
 Move assignment operator for SIUnit. More...
 Destructor for SIUnit.
AMCAX_API bool operator== (const SIUnit &other) const
 If the SIUnit same as the other SIUnit. More...
AMCAX_API bool operator!= (const SIUnit &other) const
 If the SIUnit different from the other SIUnit. More...
AMCAX_API bool operator< (const SIUnit &other) const
 If the SIUnit less than the other SIUnit. More...
AMCAX_API bool operator> (const SIUnit &other) const
 If the SIUnit greater than the other SIUnit. More...
AMCAX_API bool operator<= (const SIUnit &other) const
 If the SIUnit less than or equal to the other SIUnit. More...
AMCAX_API bool operator>= (const SIUnit &other) const
 If the SIUnit greater than or equal to the other SIUnit. More...
AMCAX_API SIUnitInsert (const UnitUnion &unit, const double &exponent=1.0)
 Insert a base unit into the SI unit. More...
AMCAX_API SIUnitInverse ()
 Inverse the units.
AMCAX_API SIUnitClear ()
 Clear the units.
AMCAX_API std::vector< UnitExpoUnits () const
 Get the units. More...
AMCAX_API const LengthUnitGetLengthUnit () const
 Get the LengthUnit object. More...
AMCAX_API SIUnitSetLengthUnit (const AMCAX::LengthUnit &lengthUnit)
 Set the LengthUnit object. More...
AMCAX_API double GetLengthExponent () const
 Get the exponent of the length unit. More...
AMCAX_API SIUnitSetLengthExponent (const double &lengthExponent)
 Set the exponent of the length unit. More...
AMCAX_API SIUnitSetLengthUnit (const AMCAX::LengthUnit &lengthUnit, const double &lengthExponent)
 Set the LengthUnit object and the exponent of the length unit. More...
AMCAX_API const MassUnitGetMassUnit () const
 Get the MassUnit object. More...
AMCAX_API SIUnitSetMassUnit (const AMCAX::MassUnit &massUnit)
 Set the MassUnit object. More...
AMCAX_API double GetMassExponent () const
 Get the exponent of the mass unit. More...
AMCAX_API SIUnitSetMassExponent (const double &massExponent)
 Set the exponent of the mass unit. More...
AMCAX_API SIUnitSetMassUnit (const AMCAX::MassUnit &massUnit, const double &massExponent)
 Set the MassUnit object and the exponent of the mass unit. More...
AMCAX_API const TimeUnitGetTimeUnit () const
 Get the TimeUnit object. More...
AMCAX_API SIUnitSetTimeUnit (const AMCAX::TimeUnit &timeUnit)
 Set the TimeUnit object. More...
AMCAX_API double GetTimeExponent () const
 Get the exponent of the time unit. More...
AMCAX_API SIUnitSetTimeExponent (const double &timeExponent)
 Set the exponent of the time unit. More...
AMCAX_API SIUnitSetTimeUnit (const AMCAX::TimeUnit &timeUnit, const double &timeExponent)
 Set the TimeUnit object and the exponent of the time unit. More...
AMCAX_API const ElectricCurrentUnitGetElectricCurrentUnit () const
 Get the ElectricCurrentUnit object. More...
AMCAX_API SIUnitSetElectricCurrentUnit (const AMCAX::ElectricCurrentUnit &electricCurrentUnit)
 Set the ElectricCurrentUnit object. More...
AMCAX_API double GetElectricCurrentExponent () const
 Get the exponent of the electric current unit. More...
AMCAX_API SIUnitSetElectricCurrentExponent (const double &electricCurrentExponent)
 Set the exponent of the electric current unit. More...
AMCAX_API SIUnitSetElectricCurrentUnit (const AMCAX::ElectricCurrentUnit &electricCurrentUnit, const double &electricCurrentExponent)
 Set the ElectricCurrentUnit object and the exponent of the electric current unit. More...
AMCAX_API const ThermodynamicTemperatureUnitGetThermodynamicTemperatureUnit () const
 Get the ThermodynamicTemperatureUnit object. More...
AMCAX_API SIUnitSetThermodynamicTemperatureUnit (const AMCAX::ThermodynamicTemperatureUnit &thermodynamicTemperatureUnit)
 Set the ThermodynamicTemperatureUnit object. More...
AMCAX_API double GetThermodynamicTemperatureExponent () const
 Get the exponent of the thermodynamic temperature unit. More...
AMCAX_API SIUnitSetThermodynamicTemperatureExponent (const double &thermodynamicTemperatureExponent)
 Set the exponent of the thermodynamic temperature unit. More...
AMCAX_API SIUnitSetThermodynamicTemperatureUnit (const AMCAX::ThermodynamicTemperatureUnit &thermodynamicTemperatureUnit, const double &thermodynamicTemperatureExponent)
 Set the ThermodynamicTemperatureUnit object and the exponent of the thermodynamic temperature unit. More...
AMCAX_API const AmountOfSubstanceUnitGetAmountOfSubstanceUnit () const
 Get the AmountOfSubstanceUnit object. More...
AMCAX_API SIUnitSetAmountOfSubstanceUnit (const AMCAX::AmountOfSubstanceUnit &amountOfSubstanceUnit)
 Set the AmountOfSubstanceUnit object. More...
AMCAX_API double GetAmountOfSubstanceExponent () const
 Get the exponent of the amount of substance unit. More...
AMCAX_API SIUnitSetAmountOfSubstanceExponent (const double &amountOfSubstanceExponent)
 Set the exponent of the amount of substance unit. More...
AMCAX_API SIUnitSetAmountOfSubstanceUnit (const AMCAX::AmountOfSubstanceUnit &amountOfSubstanceUnit, const double &amountOfSubstanceExponent)
 Set the AmountOfSubstanceUnit object and the exponent of the amount of substance unit. More...
AMCAX_API const LuminousIntensityUnitGetLuminousIntensityUnit () const
 Get the LuminousIntensityUnit object. More...
AMCAX_API SIUnitSetLuminousIntensityUnit (const AMCAX::LuminousIntensityUnit &luminousIntensityUnit)
 Set the LuminousIntensityUnit object. More...
AMCAX_API double GetLuminousIntensityExponent () const
 Get the exponent of the luminous intensity unit. More...
AMCAX_API SIUnitSetLuminousIntensityExponent (const double &luminousIntensityExponent)
 Set the exponent of the luminous intensity unit. More...
AMCAX_API SIUnitSetLuminousIntensityUnit (const AMCAX::LuminousIntensityUnit &luminousIntensityUnit, const double &luminousIntensityExponent)
 Set the LuminousIntensityUnit object and the exponent of the luminous intensity unit. More...
AMCAX_API bool IsBaseUnit () const
 If this unit is a base unit. More...
AMCAX_API bool IsDerivedUnit () const
 If this unit is a derived unit. More...
AMCAX_API SIUnitAddSIMeter (const bool denominator=false)
 Setup the derived unit as meter. More...
AMCAX_API bool IsLengthUnit () const
 Dertermain if the unit is a length unit. More...
AMCAX_API SIUnitAddSIKilogram (const bool denominator=false)
 Setup the derived unit as kilogram.
AMCAX_API bool IsMassUnit () const
 Dertermain if the unit is a mass unit. More...
AMCAX_API SIUnitAddSISecond (const bool denominator=false)
 Setup the derived unit as second.
AMCAX_API bool IsTimeUnit () const
 Dertermain if the unit is a time unit. More...
AMCAX_API SIUnitAddSIAmpere (const bool denominator=false)
 Setup the derived unit as ampere.
AMCAX_API bool IsElectricCurrentUnit () const
 Dertermain if the unit is a electric current unit. More...
AMCAX_API SIUnitAddSIKelvin (const bool denominator=false)
 Setup the derived unit as kelvin.
AMCAX_API bool IsThermodynamicTemperatureUnit () const
 Dertermain if the unit is a thermodynamic temperature unit. More...
AMCAX_API SIUnitAddSIMole (const bool denominator=false)
 Setup the derived unit as mole.
AMCAX_API bool IsAmountOfSubstanceUnit () const
 Dertermain if the unit is a amount of substance unit. More...
AMCAX_API SIUnitAddSICandela (const bool denominator=false)
 Setup the derived unit as candela.
AMCAX_API bool IsLuminousIntensityUnit () const
 Dertermain if the unit is a luminous intensity unit. More...
AMCAX_API SIUnitAddSIHertz (const bool denominator=false)
 Setup the derived unit as hertz. More...
AMCAX_API bool IsFrequencyUnit () const
 Dertermain if the unit is a frequency unit. More...
AMCAX_API SIUnitAddSIRadian (const bool denominator=false)
 Setup the derived unit as radian.
AMCAX_API bool IsAngleUnit () const
 Dertermain if the unit is a angle unit. More...
AMCAX_API SIUnitAddSISteradian (const bool denominator=false)
 Setup the derived unit as steradian.
AMCAX_API bool IsSolidAngleUnit () const
 Dertermain if the unit is a solid angle unit. More...
AMCAX_API SIUnitAddSINewton (const bool denominator=false)
 Setup the derived unit as newton.
AMCAX_API bool IsForceUnit () const
 Dertermain if the unit is a force unit. More...
AMCAX_API SIUnitAddSIPascal (const bool denominator=false)
 Setup the derived unit as pascal.
AMCAX_API bool IsPressureUnit () const
 Dertermain if the unit is a pressure unit. More...
AMCAX_API SIUnitAddSIJoule (const bool denominator=false)
 Setup the derived unit as joule.
AMCAX_API bool IsEnergyUnit () const
 Determain if the unit is a energy unit. More...
AMCAX_API SIUnitAddSIWatt (const bool denominator=false)
 Setup the derived unit as watt.
AMCAX_API bool IsPowerUnit () const
 Determain if the unit is a power unit. More...
AMCAX_API SIUnitAddSICoulomb (const bool denominator=false)
 Setup the derived unit as coulomb.
AMCAX_API bool IsElectricChargeUnit () const
 Determain if the unit is a electric charge unit. More...
AMCAX_API SIUnitAddSIVolt (const bool denominator=false)
 Setup the derived unit as volt.
AMCAX_API bool IsElectricPotentialUnit () const
 Determain if the unit is a electric potential unit. More...
AMCAX_API SIUnitAddSIFarad (const bool denominator=false)
 Setup the derived unit as farad.
AMCAX_API bool IsCapacitanceUnit () const
 Determain if the unit is a electric capacitance unit. More...
AMCAX_API SIUnitAddSIOhm (const bool denominator=false)
 Setup the derived unit as ohm.
AMCAX_API bool IsResistanceUnit () const
 Determain if the unit is a electric resistance unit. More...
AMCAX_API SIUnitAddSISiemens (const bool denominator=false)
 Setup the derived unit as siemens.
AMCAX_API bool IsElectricConductanceUnit () const
 Determain if the unit is a electric conductance unit. More...
AMCAX_API SIUnitAddSIWeber (const bool denominator=false)
 Setup the derived unit as weber.
AMCAX_API bool IsMagneticFluxUnit () const
 Determain if the unit is a magnetic flux unit. More...
AMCAX_API SIUnitAddSITesla (const bool denominator=false)
 Setup the derived unit as tesla.
AMCAX_API bool IsMagneticFluxDensityUnit () const
 Determain if the unit is a magnetic flux density unit. More...
AMCAX_API SIUnitAddSIHenry (const bool denominator=false)
 Setup the derived unit as henry.
AMCAX_API bool IsInductanceUnit () const
 Determain if the unit is an electrical inductance unit. More...
AMCAX_API SIUnitAddSIDegreeCelsius (const bool denominator=false)
 Setup the derived unit as degree celsius.
AMCAX_API bool IsTemperatureUnit () const
 Determain if the unit is a temperature unit. More...
AMCAX_API SIUnitAddSILumen (const bool denominator=false)
 Setup the derived unit as lumen.
AMCAX_API bool IsLuminousFluxUnit () const
 Determain if the unit is a luminous flux unit. More...
AMCAX_API SIUnitAddSILux (const bool denominator=false)
 Setup the derived unit as lux.
AMCAX_API bool IsIlluminanceUnit () const
 Determain if the unit is a illuminance unit. More...
AMCAX_API SIUnitAddSIBecquerel (const bool denominator=false)
 Setup the derived unit as becquerel.
AMCAX_API bool IsRadioactivityDecayUnit () const
 Determain if the unit is a radioactivity decay unit. More...
AMCAX_API SIUnitAddSIGray (const bool denominator=false)
 Setup the derived unit as gray.
AMCAX_API bool IsAbsorbedDoseUnit () const
 Determain if the unit is a absorbed dose unit. More...
AMCAX_API SIUnitAddSISievert (const bool denominator=false)
 Setup the derived unit as sievert.
AMCAX_API bool IsEquivalentDoseUnit () const
 Determain if the unit is a equivalent dose unit. More...
AMCAX_API SIUnitAddSIKatal (const bool denominator=false)
 Setup the derived unit as katal.
AMCAX_API bool IsCatalyticActivityUnit () const
 Determain if the unit is a catalytic activity unit. More...

Detailed Description

Class for si units.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ SIUnit() [1/9]

AMCAX_API AMCAX::SIUnit::SIUnit ( const SIUnit other)

Copy constructor for SIUnit.

otherThe other SIUnit object

◆ SIUnit() [2/9]

AMCAX_API AMCAX::SIUnit::SIUnit ( SIUnit &&  other)

Move constructor for SIUnit.

otherThe other SIUnit object

◆ SIUnit() [3/9]

AMCAX_API AMCAX::SIUnit::SIUnit ( const LengthUnit unit,
const double  exponent = 1.0 

Constructor for SIUnit with a length unit

unitThe length unit
exponentThe exponent of the length unit

◆ SIUnit() [4/9]

AMCAX_API AMCAX::SIUnit::SIUnit ( const MassUnit unit,
const double  exponent = 1.0 

Constructor for SIUnit with a mass unit

unitThe mass unit
exponentThe exponent of the mass unit

◆ SIUnit() [5/9]

AMCAX_API AMCAX::SIUnit::SIUnit ( const TimeUnit unit,
const double  exponent = 1.0 

Constructor for SIUnit with a time unit

unitThe time unit
exponentThe exponent of the time unit

◆ SIUnit() [6/9]

AMCAX_API AMCAX::SIUnit::SIUnit ( const ElectricCurrentUnit unit,
const double  exponent = 1.0 

Constructor for SIUnit with a electric current unit

unitThe electric current unit
exponentThe exponent of the electric current unit

◆ SIUnit() [7/9]

AMCAX_API AMCAX::SIUnit::SIUnit ( const ThermodynamicTemperatureUnit unit,
const double  exponent = 1.0 

Constructor for SIUnit with a thermodynamic temperature unit

unitThe thermodynamic temperature unit
exponentThe exponent of the thermodynamic temperature unit

◆ SIUnit() [8/9]

AMCAX_API AMCAX::SIUnit::SIUnit ( const AmountOfSubstanceUnit unit,
const double  exponent = 1.0 

Constructor for SIUnit with a amount of substance unit

unitThe amount of substance unit
exponentThe exponent of the amount of substance unit

◆ SIUnit() [9/9]

AMCAX_API AMCAX::SIUnit::SIUnit ( const LuminousIntensityUnit unit,
const double  exponent = 1.0 

Constructor for SIUnit with a luminous intensity unit

unitThe luminous intensity unit
exponentThe exponent of the luminous intensity unit

Member Function Documentation

◆ AddSIHertz()

AMCAX_API SIUnit & AMCAX::SIUnit::AddSIHertz ( const bool  denominator = false)

Setup the derived unit as hertz.

denominatorIf the unit is added as a denominator

◆ AddSIMeter()

AMCAX_API SIUnit & AMCAX::SIUnit::AddSIMeter ( const bool  denominator = false)

Setup the derived unit as meter.

denominatorIf the unit is added as a denominator

◆ GetAmountOfSubstanceExponent()

AMCAX_API double AMCAX::SIUnit::GetAmountOfSubstanceExponent ( ) const

Get the exponent of the amount of substance unit.

The exponent of the amount of substance unit

◆ GetAmountOfSubstanceUnit()

AMCAX_API const AmountOfSubstanceUnit & AMCAX::SIUnit::GetAmountOfSubstanceUnit ( ) const

Get the AmountOfSubstanceUnit object.

The AmountOfSubstanceUnit object

◆ GetElectricCurrentExponent()

AMCAX_API double AMCAX::SIUnit::GetElectricCurrentExponent ( ) const

Get the exponent of the electric current unit.

The exponent of the electric current unit

◆ GetElectricCurrentUnit()

AMCAX_API const ElectricCurrentUnit & AMCAX::SIUnit::GetElectricCurrentUnit ( ) const

Get the ElectricCurrentUnit object.

The ElectricCurrentUnit object

◆ GetLengthExponent()

AMCAX_API double AMCAX::SIUnit::GetLengthExponent ( ) const

Get the exponent of the length unit.

The exponent of the length unit

◆ GetLengthUnit()

AMCAX_API const LengthUnit & AMCAX::SIUnit::GetLengthUnit ( ) const

Get the LengthUnit object.

The LengthUnit object

◆ GetLuminousIntensityExponent()

AMCAX_API double AMCAX::SIUnit::GetLuminousIntensityExponent ( ) const

Get the exponent of the luminous intensity unit.

The exponent of the luminous intensity unit

◆ GetLuminousIntensityUnit()

AMCAX_API const LuminousIntensityUnit & AMCAX::SIUnit::GetLuminousIntensityUnit ( ) const

Get the LuminousIntensityUnit object.

The LuminousIntensityUnit object

◆ GetMassExponent()

AMCAX_API double AMCAX::SIUnit::GetMassExponent ( ) const

Get the exponent of the mass unit.

The exponent of the mass unit

◆ GetMassUnit()

AMCAX_API const MassUnit & AMCAX::SIUnit::GetMassUnit ( ) const

Get the MassUnit object.

The MassUnit object

◆ GetThermodynamicTemperatureExponent()

AMCAX_API double AMCAX::SIUnit::GetThermodynamicTemperatureExponent ( ) const

Get the exponent of the thermodynamic temperature unit.

The exponent of the thermodynamic temperature unit

◆ GetThermodynamicTemperatureUnit()

AMCAX_API const ThermodynamicTemperatureUnit & AMCAX::SIUnit::GetThermodynamicTemperatureUnit ( ) const

◆ GetTimeExponent()

AMCAX_API double AMCAX::SIUnit::GetTimeExponent ( ) const

Get the exponent of the time unit.

The exponent of the time unit

◆ GetTimeUnit()

AMCAX_API const TimeUnit & AMCAX::SIUnit::GetTimeUnit ( ) const

Get the TimeUnit object.

The TimeUnit object

◆ Insert()

AMCAX_API SIUnit & AMCAX::SIUnit::Insert ( const UnitUnion &  unit,
const double &  exponent = 1.0 

Insert a base unit into the SI unit.

unitThe base unit to insert
exponentThe exponent of the base unit

◆ IsAbsorbedDoseUnit()

AMCAX_API bool AMCAX::SIUnit::IsAbsorbedDoseUnit ( ) const

Determain if the unit is a absorbed dose unit.

True if the unit is a absorbed dose unit, false otherwise

◆ IsAmountOfSubstanceUnit()

AMCAX_API bool AMCAX::SIUnit::IsAmountOfSubstanceUnit ( ) const

Dertermain if the unit is a amount of substance unit.

True if the unit is a amount of substance unit, false otherwise

◆ IsAngleUnit()

AMCAX_API bool AMCAX::SIUnit::IsAngleUnit ( ) const

Dertermain if the unit is a angle unit.

True if the unit is a angle unit, false otherwise

◆ IsBaseUnit()

AMCAX_API bool AMCAX::SIUnit::IsBaseUnit ( ) const

If this unit is a base unit.

True if this unit is a base unit, false otherwise

◆ IsCapacitanceUnit()

AMCAX_API bool AMCAX::SIUnit::IsCapacitanceUnit ( ) const

Determain if the unit is a electric capacitance unit.

True if the unit is a electric capacitance unit, false otherwise

◆ IsCatalyticActivityUnit()

AMCAX_API bool AMCAX::SIUnit::IsCatalyticActivityUnit ( ) const

Determain if the unit is a catalytic activity unit.

True if the unit is a catalytic activity unit, false otherwise

◆ IsDerivedUnit()

AMCAX_API bool AMCAX::SIUnit::IsDerivedUnit ( ) const

If this unit is a derived unit.

True if this unit is a derived unit, false otherwise

◆ IsElectricChargeUnit()

AMCAX_API bool AMCAX::SIUnit::IsElectricChargeUnit ( ) const

Determain if the unit is a electric charge unit.

True if the unit is a electric charge unit, false otherwise

◆ IsElectricConductanceUnit()

AMCAX_API bool AMCAX::SIUnit::IsElectricConductanceUnit ( ) const

Determain if the unit is a electric conductance unit.

True if the unit is a electric conductance unit, false otherwise

◆ IsElectricCurrentUnit()

AMCAX_API bool AMCAX::SIUnit::IsElectricCurrentUnit ( ) const

Dertermain if the unit is a electric current unit.

True if the unit is a electric current unit, false otherwise

◆ IsElectricPotentialUnit()

AMCAX_API bool AMCAX::SIUnit::IsElectricPotentialUnit ( ) const

Determain if the unit is a electric potential unit.

True if the unit is a electric potential unit, false otherwise

◆ IsEnergyUnit()

AMCAX_API bool AMCAX::SIUnit::IsEnergyUnit ( ) const

Determain if the unit is a energy unit.

True if the unit is a energy unit, false otherwise

◆ IsEquivalentDoseUnit()

AMCAX_API bool AMCAX::SIUnit::IsEquivalentDoseUnit ( ) const

Determain if the unit is a equivalent dose unit.

True if the unit is a equivalent dose unit, false otherwise

◆ IsForceUnit()

AMCAX_API bool AMCAX::SIUnit::IsForceUnit ( ) const

Dertermain if the unit is a force unit.

True if the unit is a force unit, false otherwise

◆ IsFrequencyUnit()

AMCAX_API bool AMCAX::SIUnit::IsFrequencyUnit ( ) const

Dertermain if the unit is a frequency unit.

True if the unit is a frequency unit, false otherwise

◆ IsIlluminanceUnit()

AMCAX_API bool AMCAX::SIUnit::IsIlluminanceUnit ( ) const

Determain if the unit is a illuminance unit.

True if the unit is a illuminance unit, false otherwise

◆ IsInductanceUnit()

AMCAX_API bool AMCAX::SIUnit::IsInductanceUnit ( ) const

Determain if the unit is an electrical inductance unit.

True if the unit is an electrical inductance unit, false otherwise

◆ IsLengthUnit()

AMCAX_API bool AMCAX::SIUnit::IsLengthUnit ( ) const

Dertermain if the unit is a length unit.

True if the unit is a length unit, false otherwise

◆ IsLuminousFluxUnit()

AMCAX_API bool AMCAX::SIUnit::IsLuminousFluxUnit ( ) const

Determain if the unit is a luminous flux unit.

True if the unit is a luminous flux unit, false otherwise

◆ IsLuminousIntensityUnit()

AMCAX_API bool AMCAX::SIUnit::IsLuminousIntensityUnit ( ) const

Dertermain if the unit is a luminous intensity unit.

True if the unit is a luminous intensity unit, false otherwise

◆ IsMagneticFluxDensityUnit()

AMCAX_API bool AMCAX::SIUnit::IsMagneticFluxDensityUnit ( ) const

Determain if the unit is a magnetic flux density unit.

True if the unit is a magnetic flux density unit, false otherwise

◆ IsMagneticFluxUnit()

AMCAX_API bool AMCAX::SIUnit::IsMagneticFluxUnit ( ) const

Determain if the unit is a magnetic flux unit.

True if the unit is a magnetic flux unit, false otherwise

◆ IsMassUnit()

AMCAX_API bool AMCAX::SIUnit::IsMassUnit ( ) const

Dertermain if the unit is a mass unit.

True if the unit is a mass unit, false otherwise

◆ IsPowerUnit()

AMCAX_API bool AMCAX::SIUnit::IsPowerUnit ( ) const

Determain if the unit is a power unit.

True if the unit is a power unit, false otherwise

◆ IsPressureUnit()

AMCAX_API bool AMCAX::SIUnit::IsPressureUnit ( ) const

Dertermain if the unit is a pressure unit.

True if the unit is a pressure unit, false otherwise

◆ IsRadioactivityDecayUnit()

AMCAX_API bool AMCAX::SIUnit::IsRadioactivityDecayUnit ( ) const

Determain if the unit is a radioactivity decay unit.

True if the unit is a radioactivity decay unit, false otherwise

◆ IsResistanceUnit()

AMCAX_API bool AMCAX::SIUnit::IsResistanceUnit ( ) const

Determain if the unit is a electric resistance unit.

True if the unit is a electric resistance unit, false otherwise

◆ IsSolidAngleUnit()

AMCAX_API bool AMCAX::SIUnit::IsSolidAngleUnit ( ) const

Dertermain if the unit is a solid angle unit.

True if the unit is a solid angle unit, false otherwise

◆ IsTemperatureUnit()

AMCAX_API bool AMCAX::SIUnit::IsTemperatureUnit ( ) const

Determain if the unit is a temperature unit.

True if the unit is a temperature unit, false otherwise

◆ IsThermodynamicTemperatureUnit()

AMCAX_API bool AMCAX::SIUnit::IsThermodynamicTemperatureUnit ( ) const

Dertermain if the unit is a thermodynamic temperature unit.

True if the unit is a thermodynamic temperature unit, false otherwise

◆ IsTimeUnit()

AMCAX_API bool AMCAX::SIUnit::IsTimeUnit ( ) const

Dertermain if the unit is a time unit.

True if the unit is a time unit, false otherwise

◆ operator!=()

AMCAX_API bool AMCAX::SIUnit::operator!= ( const SIUnit other) const

If the SIUnit different from the other SIUnit.

otherThe other SIUnit to compare with
True if the SIUnit is different from the other SIUnit, false otherwise

◆ operator<()

AMCAX_API bool AMCAX::SIUnit::operator< ( const SIUnit other) const

If the SIUnit less than the other SIUnit.

otherThe other SIUnit to compare with
True if the SIUnit is less than the other SIUnit, false otherwise

◆ operator<=()

AMCAX_API bool AMCAX::SIUnit::operator<= ( const SIUnit other) const

If the SIUnit less than or equal to the other SIUnit.

otherThe other SIUnit to compare with
True if the SIUnit is less than or equal to the other SIUnit, false otherwise

◆ operator=() [1/16]

AMCAX_API SIUnit & AMCAX::SIUnit::operator= ( AmountOfSubstanceUnit &&  other)

Move assignment operator for SIUnit with a amount of substance unit.

otherThe other AmountOfSubstanceUnit object
The SIUnit object

◆ operator=() [2/16]

AMCAX_API SIUnit & AMCAX::SIUnit::operator= ( const AmountOfSubstanceUnit other)

Copy assignment operator for SIUnit with a amount of substance unit.

otherThe other AmountOfSubstanceUnit object
The SIUnit object

◆ operator=() [3/16]

AMCAX_API SIUnit & AMCAX::SIUnit::operator= ( const ElectricCurrentUnit other)

Copy assignment operator for SIUnit with a electric current unit.

otherThe other ElectricCurrentUnit object
The SIUnit object

◆ operator=() [4/16]

AMCAX_API SIUnit & AMCAX::SIUnit::operator= ( const LengthUnit other)

Copy assignment operator for SIUnit with a length unit.

otherThe other LengthUnit object
The SIUnit object

◆ operator=() [5/16]

AMCAX_API SIUnit & AMCAX::SIUnit::operator= ( const LuminousIntensityUnit other)

Copy assignment operator for SIUnit with a luminous intensity unit.

otherThe other LuminousIntensityUnit object
The SIUnit object

◆ operator=() [6/16]

AMCAX_API SIUnit & AMCAX::SIUnit::operator= ( const MassUnit other)

Copy assignment operator for SIUnit with a mass unit.

otherThe other MassUnit object
The SIUnit object

◆ operator=() [7/16]

AMCAX_API SIUnit & AMCAX::SIUnit::operator= ( const SIUnit other)

Copy assignment operator for SIUnit.

otherThe other SIUnit object
The SIUnit object

◆ operator=() [8/16]

AMCAX_API SIUnit & AMCAX::SIUnit::operator= ( const ThermodynamicTemperatureUnit other)

Copy assignment operator for SIUnit with a thermodynamic temperature unit.

otherThe other ThermodynamicTemperatureUnit object
The SIUnit object

◆ operator=() [9/16]

AMCAX_API SIUnit & AMCAX::SIUnit::operator= ( const TimeUnit other)

Copy assignment operator for SIUnit with a time unit.

otherThe other TimeUnit object
The SIUnit object

◆ operator=() [10/16]

AMCAX_API SIUnit & AMCAX::SIUnit::operator= ( ElectricCurrentUnit &&  other)

Move assignment operator for SIUnit with a electric current unit.

otherThe other ElectricCurrentUnit object
The SIUnit object

◆ operator=() [11/16]

AMCAX_API SIUnit & AMCAX::SIUnit::operator= ( LengthUnit &&  other)

Move assignment operator for SIUnit with a length unit.

otherThe other LengthUnit object
The SIUnit object

◆ operator=() [12/16]

AMCAX_API SIUnit & AMCAX::SIUnit::operator= ( LuminousIntensityUnit &&  other)

Move assignment operator for SIUnit with a luminous intensity unit.

otherThe other LuminousIntensityUnit object
The SIUnit object

◆ operator=() [13/16]

AMCAX_API SIUnit & AMCAX::SIUnit::operator= ( MassUnit &&  other)

Move assignment operator for SIUnit with a mass unit.

otherThe other MassUnit object
The SIUnit object

◆ operator=() [14/16]

AMCAX_API SIUnit & AMCAX::SIUnit::operator= ( SIUnit &&  other)

Move assignment operator for SIUnit.

otherThe other SIUnit object
The SIUnit object

◆ operator=() [15/16]

AMCAX_API SIUnit & AMCAX::SIUnit::operator= ( ThermodynamicTemperatureUnit &&  other)

Move assignment operator for SIUnit with a thermodynamic temperature unit.

otherThe other ThermodynamicTemperatureUnit object
The SIUnit object

◆ operator=() [16/16]

AMCAX_API SIUnit & AMCAX::SIUnit::operator= ( TimeUnit &&  other)

Move assignment operator for SIUnit with a time unit.

otherThe other TimeUnit object
The SIUnit object

◆ operator==()

AMCAX_API bool AMCAX::SIUnit::operator== ( const SIUnit other) const

If the SIUnit same as the other SIUnit.

otherThe other SIUnit to compare with
True if the SIUnit is the same as the other SIUnit, false otherwise

◆ operator>()

AMCAX_API bool AMCAX::SIUnit::operator> ( const SIUnit other) const

If the SIUnit greater than the other SIUnit.

otherThe other SIUnit to compare with
True if the SIUnit is greater than the other SIUnit, false otherwise

◆ operator>=()

AMCAX_API bool AMCAX::SIUnit::operator>= ( const SIUnit other) const

If the SIUnit greater than or equal to the other SIUnit.

otherThe other SIUnit to compare with
True if the SIUnit is greater than or equal to the other SIUnit, false otherwise

◆ SetAmountOfSubstanceExponent()

AMCAX_API SIUnit & AMCAX::SIUnit::SetAmountOfSubstanceExponent ( const double &  amountOfSubstanceExponent)

Set the exponent of the amount of substance unit.

amountOfSubstanceExponentThe exponent of the amount of substance unit

◆ SetAmountOfSubstanceUnit() [1/2]

AMCAX_API SIUnit & AMCAX::SIUnit::SetAmountOfSubstanceUnit ( const AMCAX::AmountOfSubstanceUnit amountOfSubstanceUnit)

Set the AmountOfSubstanceUnit object.

amountOfSubstanceUnitThe AmountOfSubstanceUnit object

◆ SetAmountOfSubstanceUnit() [2/2]

AMCAX_API SIUnit & AMCAX::SIUnit::SetAmountOfSubstanceUnit ( const AMCAX::AmountOfSubstanceUnit amountOfSubstanceUnit,
const double &  amountOfSubstanceExponent 

Set the AmountOfSubstanceUnit object and the exponent of the amount of substance unit.

amountOfSubstanceUnitThe AmountOfSubstanceUnit object
amountOfSubstanceExponentThe exponent of the amount of substance unit

◆ SetElectricCurrentExponent()

AMCAX_API SIUnit & AMCAX::SIUnit::SetElectricCurrentExponent ( const double &  electricCurrentExponent)

Set the exponent of the electric current unit.

electricCurrentExponentThe exponent of the electric current unit

◆ SetElectricCurrentUnit() [1/2]

AMCAX_API SIUnit & AMCAX::SIUnit::SetElectricCurrentUnit ( const AMCAX::ElectricCurrentUnit electricCurrentUnit)

Set the ElectricCurrentUnit object.

electricCurrentUnitThe ElectricCurrentUnit object

◆ SetElectricCurrentUnit() [2/2]

AMCAX_API SIUnit & AMCAX::SIUnit::SetElectricCurrentUnit ( const AMCAX::ElectricCurrentUnit electricCurrentUnit,
const double &  electricCurrentExponent 

Set the ElectricCurrentUnit object and the exponent of the electric current unit.

electricCurrentUnitThe ElectricCurrentUnit object
electricCurrentExponentThe exponent of the electric current unit

◆ SetLengthExponent()

AMCAX_API SIUnit & AMCAX::SIUnit::SetLengthExponent ( const double &  lengthExponent)

Set the exponent of the length unit.

lengthExponentThe exponent of the length unit

◆ SetLengthUnit() [1/2]

AMCAX_API SIUnit & AMCAX::SIUnit::SetLengthUnit ( const AMCAX::LengthUnit lengthUnit)

Set the LengthUnit object.

lengthUnitThe LengthUnit object

◆ SetLengthUnit() [2/2]

AMCAX_API SIUnit & AMCAX::SIUnit::SetLengthUnit ( const AMCAX::LengthUnit lengthUnit,
const double &  lengthExponent 

Set the LengthUnit object and the exponent of the length unit.

lengthUnitThe LengthUnit object
lengthExponentThe exponent of the length unit

◆ SetLuminousIntensityExponent()

AMCAX_API SIUnit & AMCAX::SIUnit::SetLuminousIntensityExponent ( const double &  luminousIntensityExponent)

Set the exponent of the luminous intensity unit.

luminousIntensityExponentThe exponent of the luminous intensity unit

◆ SetLuminousIntensityUnit() [1/2]

AMCAX_API SIUnit & AMCAX::SIUnit::SetLuminousIntensityUnit ( const AMCAX::LuminousIntensityUnit luminousIntensityUnit)

Set the LuminousIntensityUnit object.

luminousIntensityUnitThe LuminousIntensityUnit object

◆ SetLuminousIntensityUnit() [2/2]

AMCAX_API SIUnit & AMCAX::SIUnit::SetLuminousIntensityUnit ( const AMCAX::LuminousIntensityUnit luminousIntensityUnit,
const double &  luminousIntensityExponent 

Set the LuminousIntensityUnit object and the exponent of the luminous intensity unit.

luminousIntensityUnitThe LuminousIntensityUnit object
luminousIntensityExponentThe exponent of the luminous intensity unit

◆ SetMassExponent()

AMCAX_API SIUnit & AMCAX::SIUnit::SetMassExponent ( const double &  massExponent)

Set the exponent of the mass unit.

massExponentThe exponent of the mass unit

◆ SetMassUnit() [1/2]

AMCAX_API SIUnit & AMCAX::SIUnit::SetMassUnit ( const AMCAX::MassUnit massUnit)

Set the MassUnit object.

massUnitThe MassUnit object

◆ SetMassUnit() [2/2]

AMCAX_API SIUnit & AMCAX::SIUnit::SetMassUnit ( const AMCAX::MassUnit massUnit,
const double &  massExponent 

Set the MassUnit object and the exponent of the mass unit.

massUnitThe MassUnit object
massExponentThe exponent of the mass unit

◆ SetThermodynamicTemperatureExponent()

AMCAX_API SIUnit & AMCAX::SIUnit::SetThermodynamicTemperatureExponent ( const double &  thermodynamicTemperatureExponent)

Set the exponent of the thermodynamic temperature unit.

thermodynamicTemperatureExponentThe exponent of the thermodynamic temperature unit

◆ SetThermodynamicTemperatureUnit() [1/2]

AMCAX_API SIUnit & AMCAX::SIUnit::SetThermodynamicTemperatureUnit ( const AMCAX::ThermodynamicTemperatureUnit thermodynamicTemperatureUnit)

Set the ThermodynamicTemperatureUnit object.

thermodynamicTemperatureUnitThe ThermodynamicTemperatureUnit object

◆ SetThermodynamicTemperatureUnit() [2/2]

AMCAX_API SIUnit & AMCAX::SIUnit::SetThermodynamicTemperatureUnit ( const AMCAX::ThermodynamicTemperatureUnit thermodynamicTemperatureUnit,
const double &  thermodynamicTemperatureExponent 

Set the ThermodynamicTemperatureUnit object and the exponent of the thermodynamic temperature unit.

thermodynamicTemperatureUnitThe ThermodynamicTemperatureUnit object
thermodynamicTemperatureExponentThe exponent of the thermodynamic temperature unit

◆ SetTimeExponent()

AMCAX_API SIUnit & AMCAX::SIUnit::SetTimeExponent ( const double &  timeExponent)

Set the exponent of the time unit.

timeExponentThe exponent of the time unit

◆ SetTimeUnit() [1/2]

AMCAX_API SIUnit & AMCAX::SIUnit::SetTimeUnit ( const AMCAX::TimeUnit timeUnit)

Set the TimeUnit object.

timeUnitThe TimeUnit object

◆ SetTimeUnit() [2/2]

AMCAX_API SIUnit & AMCAX::SIUnit::SetTimeUnit ( const AMCAX::TimeUnit timeUnit,
const double &  timeExponent 

Set the TimeUnit object and the exponent of the time unit.

timeUnitThe TimeUnit object
timeExponentThe exponent of the time unit

◆ Units()

AMCAX_API std::vector< UnitExpo > AMCAX::SIUnit::Units ( ) const

Get the units.

The units

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