AMCAX Kernel
STLWriter.hpp File Reference

This file implement writer for STL file. More...

#include <mesh/TriSoup.hpp>
#include <mesh/io/IOOptions.hpp>
#include <utilities/Exception.hpp>
#include <utilities/Macros.hpp>
#include <utilities/StringUtils.hpp>
#include <array>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
Include dependency graph for STLWriter.hpp:


class  AMCAX::Meshing::Mesh::STLWriter< Traits >
 Write mesh to an STL file. More...


namespace  AMCAX
 Namespace of all interface in the AMCAX kernel.
namespace  AMCAX::Meshing
 Namespace of all interface in the AMCAX Meshing module.

Detailed Description

This file implement writer for STL file.

This file is part of AMCAX kernel.